REAL LIFE PLM. There are a lot of discussions in the engineering community about PLM and PLM’s theoretical possibilities to make life easier for people in product development and realization. But what does it look like in real life in connection with a major change of PLM system in an OEM environment? It is about this Verdi Ogewell, PLM editor at, has written an article: what is happening at the truck manufacturer Scania, which is now in the concept phase for the introduction of Dassault Systemes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform (3DX).
We have listened to Volkswagen-owned Scania’s PLM manager, Anders Malmberg, who talks about how to attack the problem of rolling out this solution (CATIA V6/ENOVIA) – The Starling Project – and make it work together with the older CATIA V5 version and their proprietary configuration and rules data platform OAS, etc. A challenge of large dimensions given that there are 16,000 employees and partners in the development work involved. How do they get this together at Scania after the 2017 decision to invest in Dassault’s 3DX/V6? It’s a challenging journey well worth to take a closer look at.
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