ABB in Agreement With Chinese Battery Cell Manufacturer to Sharpen Design and Plant Efficiency

European AUTOMOTIVE venture: EVE is currently building its first European factory in Hungary for the region's automotive sector. The Swedish-Swiss engineering group ABB has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with EVE Energy. The collaboration with this globally operating manufacturer of lithium battery cells aims to support the development of new, sustainable lithium battery factories worldwide. The agreement, which builds on EVE's "Global Manufacturing, Global Delivery, Global Cooperation" capability system, aims to sharpen efficiency, meet timelines and improve overall productivity and profitability, thereby addressing the changing challenges and demands of the lithium-ion battery manufacturing industry.
Interesting in this context are EVE's plans to open new factories globally in the coming years. In this, the idea is that ABB will participate in the collaboration with its project teams in design, construction, and will moreover share its expertise in battery manufacturing in connection to start-up ventures.
ABB writes in the press material that it, "will support EVE's initiatives in line with its pillars of success: integration of electricity, instrumentation, control and digital (EICD), adaptive execution in Adaptive Execution and efficient ongoing operations." According to the MoU, the two companies will also cooperate in research and development (R&D) and explore the supply of, among other things, battery cells and modules to ABB.
The background for EVE is that it has more than 23 years of experience in lithium battery innovation and has an established presence in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the energy sector. The company's product portfolio includes primary lithium batteries, small lithium ion batteries, power batteries and energy storage batteries. EVE is currently building its first European factory in Hungary to supply the region's automotive sector and has further plans in other locations, to also expand its existing presence in China and the US.
"Ensuring a stable and reliable supply of batteries is one of our most important challenges we face today," says Staffan Södergård, Global Business Unit Manager for Battery Manufacturing, at ABB Process Industries. "Expanding the global capacity to manufacture high-quality lithium batteries is a critical part of this energy transition. EVE not only recognizes this but has also embraced the opportunity to optimize and streamline operations in the new facilities. With our industry expertise, ABB will help EVE meet growing demands in a cost-effective and efficient manner."
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Hon tar över som Norden- och Sverigechef för Microsoft-specialisten Avanade

Med runt 60 000 anställda i 26 olika länder världen över är Microsoftkonsulten Avanade en av IT-marknadens mer intressanta spelare. Bolaget, som brukar beskriva sig som, ”den ledande leverantören av Microsoft-lösningar, levererar inom ramen för detta digitala, moln-, AI- och rådgivningstjänster, inkluderande branschlösningar och designledda upplevelser i hela Microsofts ekosystem. Inte minst då inom ERP och CRM-områdena. Dagens nyhet kring bolaget är att man utsett Susanne Cederberg till ny GM (General Manager) för Norden och dessutom landschef (Country Manager) för Sverige. Hon efterträder i detta Antonio Marsico i rollen.
Vid sidan av civilingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik med inriktning industriell ekonomi och management från KTH i Stockholm har Avanades nya Norden-bas i bagaget mer än tjugo års erfarenhet från IT-branschen. Bland annat med åtta år inom Avanade där hon började 2016 efter en tid på Accenture. Även Siemens finns bland hennes tidigare uppdragsgivare. Som så ofta i de här sammanhangen värderas goda sälj-resultat och erfarnheter högt och i sin tidigare roll inom Avanade var hon också Regional Sales Lead, Nordics. I detta med ansvaret för försäljnings- och intäktsmål samt tillväxtstrategier, ”med ett starkt fokus på att hjälpa kunder att bli framgångsrika.”
I en kommentar säger hon:
- Det är en spännande tid för vår bransch när vi nu navigerar genom AI-eran, och jag ser fram emot att leda vårt team i att driva innovation och skapa stort värde för våra kunder. Tillsammans kommer vi att använda kraften i AI för att omvandla verksamheter och skapa en positiv påverkan i hela Norden.
Tilläggas kan att Cederberg som Norden-GM kommer att ansvara för att leda verksamheterna i Sverige, Danmark, Norge och Finland, med fokus på strategiskt ledarskap, affärstillväxt, hantering av partnerskap och övergripande affärsverksamhet. I rollen som CM för Sverige kommer hon att ansvara för försäljning, kundrelationer, teamutveckling och projektleveranser.
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”AI, Immersive Technology, Electromechanical Flows and the New Cloud Version of NX CAD Unleash...

"Siemens NX is probably THE FASTEST GROWING HIGH-END CAD SOLUTION OF RECENT YEARS." MEET Siemens ROLF EMDEVIK in today's interview about the new NX versions. It is doubtful if any high-end CAD software has grown more and faster than Siemens Digital Industries Software's flagship NX in recent years. The German software giant doesn't reveal exact numbers, but with announced orders from a number of heavy-duty OEM players, an upward trend is clear: NX is gaining share in a market, OEM, where switching CAD systems is uncommon.
PLM&ERP News has in recent years reported on aerospace giant Lockheed Martin's NX venture, as well as Bombardier's. On the automotive side, the near-term vehicle manufacturer KIA Motors' transition to NX is an example. But there are also fast-growing players here, such as the world's largest manufacturer of electric cars, Chinese BYD (Buy Your Dreams), which in the wake of growth has brought in large new orders. On the shipyard side, the Hyundai Group is a good example, while for example Sony represents large new investments in NX in high-tech/electronics. These changes alone add up to between 20,000 to 25,000 new NX users.
What is behind this? The question is relevant and is brought up to date right now by the fact that the company released new updates of NX, and also launched a hyper-interesting cloud CAD version, NX X. But also, in general technologically, the development dynamics around NX is remarkable. PLM&ERP News has discussed this with Rolf Emdevik, business developer on the NX side at Siemens Digital Industries Software.
There are several important factors that make NX more relevant than competitors' in a changed product landscape, he notes:
"Above all, it's things like electronics, software, collaboration across multiple domains, strong simulation connections within the framework of the PLM portfolio Xcelerator and design intelligence that have become increasingly important. Today we also talk a lot about the impact of AI, not least in the new updated versions. NX has here taken big steps towards becoming ‘self-driving’; understanding the individual's way of working and predictively assist with commands that you usually use. You don't have to sit in menus and search. In parallel, things like immersive technologies have emerged in the new NX. Not least, this is crucial when collaborative technologies that support industrial metaverses become increasingly important. At the same time Siemens’ strength is its strong connections between the digital product development and manufacturing automation, where with just a few clicks you can send over CAD-designed 3D models directly to manufacturing and the CAM side (virtual commissioning)." says Emdevik. He also highlights the CAD suite's sustainability capabilities, which are key in today's product development, where the target images speak of net-zero environmental impact: "Ensuring a product's environmental impact involves, among other things, optimization at the design point. It is said that over 80 percent of all product-related environmental impact is determined during the design phase. The capabilities of the CAD tool to meet this are of the utmost importance.”
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AUTOMOTIVE/El-lastbilar: Större livsmedelsbolag satsar på Einrides digitala mobilitetsplattform

EINRIDE jobbar i Dassault Systemes-miljö på PLM-sidan, med bl a CATIA. Svenska utvecklaren av ellastbilar, Einride, ångar på i sin satsning på ett sammanhängande system för uppkopplade, autonoma tunga fordon, laddinfrastruktur och ett intelligent operativsystem för godstransporter. Bolaget designar, utvecklar och säljer kort sagt hållbar teknik för godstransporter där en tung poäng är att påskynda övergången till hållbara transporter. Einride, grundat 2016, blev 2019 faktiskt världens första företag att köra ett autonomt, elektriskt fordon på allmän väg. Hur har det gått? Tiderna är sådana att konceptet har nått tydliga framgångar och idag driver Einride en av de största flottorna av tunga elektriska lastbilar som servar globala Fortune 500-företag på åtta marknader.
Dagens stora nyhet är att Einride tecknat ett logistikavtal med mat- och dryckesföretaget Paulig, som utvecklar en ny, hållbar matkultur, vilken man hävdar är, ”bra för både människor och planeten.” Bolaget omsätter ca 1,2 miljarder euro, motsvarande nära 14 miljarder kronor. På Pauligs program finns bl a varumärken som är kända och stora, som Santa Maria (Tex-Mex), Risenta och Poco Loco. kaffe och drycker, Tex-Mex och kryddor, snacks och växtbaserade alternativ.
Vad man nu gjort tillsammans med Einride är att ta ett stort steg mot hållbar logistik genom Einride systemlösningar för digital, elektrisk och autonom transport. Tillsammans strävar de efter att reducera CO2e-utsläppen genom att elektrifiera Pauligs största transporter av Santa Maria-produkter i Sverige, med en planerad minskning på upp till 87 procent på utvalda rutter. Detta är ett viktigt steg i Pauligs ambition att halvera sina utsläpp från hela värdekedjan fram till 2030.
Genom partnerskapet med Einride introduceras en flotta av eldrivna, digitalt optimerade tunga lastbilar och avancerade laddningslösningar i Pauligs svenska transportnätverk. De största leveranserna av Santa Maria-produkter i Göteborgsområdet, en sträcka på 75 000 kilometer per år, uppskattas spara 15,9 ton CO2e årligen, vilket motsvarar en utsläppsminskning på 87 procent jämfört med tidigare transporter med HVO100 och biogasdrivna lastbilar.
"Idag är elektrifiering ett av de mest effektiva sätten att minska CO2e-utsläppen från transporter. Det finns många befintliga lösningar inom logistik, och nyckeln är att agera snabbt och förverkliga dem. Vi är mycket stolta över att ta detta steg med Einride. Det sänker vår klimatpåverkan, samtidigt som vi bibehåller den effektivitet och tillförlitlighet som förväntas i branschen,” säger Thomas Panteli, SVP Supply Chain & Sourcing på Paulig.
När det gäller PLM-verktygen så jobbar Einride bl a i Dassault Systemes 3DEXPERIENCE-miljö, med appar som CAD-klassikern CATIA. Detta medan JIRA används när det gäller mjukvaruhantering.
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ABB köper tysk specialist på utsläppsövervakning

ABB köper Födisch Group, som är en ledande utvecklare av avancerade mät- och analyslösningar för energi- och industrisektorerna. Förvärvet vässar ABBs erbjudande inom system för kontinuerlig utsläppsövervakning (CEMS). I pressmaterialt skriver ABB att köpet, ”stärker dess konkurrenskraft inom teknik och innovation.” Sant är också att man genom förvärvet breddar sin portfölj för att möta krävande mätutmaningar.
Födisch Group redovisade cirka 50 miljoner euro i intäkter, motsvarande cirka 575 miljoner, och hade runt 250 anställda 2023. Någon köpeskilling avslöjas inte.
Det förvärvade bolaget har sitt huvudkontor i Markranstädt, Tyskland, där man driver en produktionsanläggning på 3 000 kvadrat, men man har också ytterligare anläggningar i Tyskland, Nederländerna och Kina. Med dessa och sin verktygs- och konsult-arsenal erbjuder Födisch Group lösningar för att hantera miljö-, inspektions- och certifieringsutmaningar inom olika branscher. Bland annat handlar detta om kraftverk, avfallsförbränningsanläggningar, pappers-, glas- och cementindustrin, där Födisch Groups analysator och dammlösningar gör det möjligt för företag att kostnadseffektivt spåra utsläpp av föroreningar.
Detta ska läggas till och kompletterar ABBs portfölj av mät- och analyslösningar med ytterligare kontinuerliga gasanalysatorer och dammmätningsutrustning. Med stöd av ABBs globala distributions- och servicenätverk kommer kunderna att dra nytta av en omfattande uppsättning lösningar som hjälper till att hantera världens energi- och hållbarhetsutmaningar.
Nyckeln till att förbättra hållbarheten för industriell verksamhet, mät- och analysteknik möjliggör tillförlitlig processmätning, ger realtidsdata och insikter för att förbättra effektiviteten och minska utsläppen.
"Förvärvet av Födisch Group understryker ABB:s engagemang för att tillhandahålla avancerade system för kontinuerlig utsläppsövervakning som har blivit avgörande för företag att övervaka och minska utsläppen och följa miljöföreskrifter", säger Jacques Mulbert, CEO för ABBs division för mätning och analys. "Vi är mycket imponerade av vad Födisch Group har uppnått och är ivriga att välkomna deras team till ABB-familjen. Att integrera Födisch Group i ABB kommer att låsa upp betydande möjligheter för nya och befintliga kunder.”
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AUTOMOTIVE/Electrification: Moving Beyond Just Regulatory Compliance – Why Siemens Joins Global BATTERY Alliance

“A PASSPORT ECOSYSTEM that empowers SUSTAINABLE capture, access and management of BATTERY VALUE CHAIN DATA. Not much is happening unexpectedly in the battery industry these days as the electrification of the world's vehicle fleets is on the threshold of a major breakthrough. And that one of the leading players in the field, related to digital product development (PLM) and manufacturing automation, Siemens Digital Industries Software, today announces that it has joined the Global Battery Alliance platform is no surprise. The Global Battery Alliance (GBA), is a collaboration platform that brings together leading international organizations, non-governmental organizations, industry players, academia and multiple governments to jointly adopt a pre-competitive approach to drive systemic change along the entire battery manufacturing value chain. A particularly interesting aspect of this is that collaborations of this magnitude can help accelerate the development of a sustainable battery industry.
Puneet Sinha, senior director of Siemens Digital Industries Software's battery industry business, notes that joining GBA is a critical step forward:
“Absolutely, we are stepping into this to build our battery passport ecosystem which aims to go beyond regulatory compliance and empower stakeholders to capture, access and manage battery value chain data,” he says, adding: "Together with the Global Battery Alliance and its community, we are thereby helping to bring the power of digital transformation to a future battery industry that is efficient, ethical and sustainable."
This is an important statement that well characterizes the heavy technological and commercial roles that Siemens software and hardware already play, and will continue to play, in the battery development scenario. This both in terms of PLM and automation support in manufacturing aimed at sustainability. There are, moreover, other good reasons to take a proactive position when it comes to ethics and sustainability in a world that is currently under great climate pressure. The electrification of the world's vehicles is part of the solution, as is the pursuit of climate-friendly manufacturing processes a la net-zero in a market where an average of the most important forecasts from analysts shows that the area is expected to grow eight to ten times by the end of the decade, 2030. This from a currently existing or in the near future planned global capacity of approximately 1100 GWh up to between 8000 and 10,000 GWh plus. Of this, the German Frauenhofer Institute calculates that plants in Europe in 2030 will account for over 1700 GWh.
The vision for GBA is to achieve three basic results, which Siemens now supports and actively contributes to: establish a circular battery value chain, establish a low-carbon economy in the value chain and protect human rights and economic development. Through commitment to these principles, Siemens strives to bring about innovative, sustainable practices in the battery industry that not only minimize environmental impact, but also create new job opportunities and generate additional economic value for communities worldwide.
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Advanced DIGITAL TWIN Technology Gives America’s Cup Contender More Than Just Wind in the...

SIEMENS XCELERATOR TECHNOLOGY SIMULATES and OPTIMIZES HYDRAULIC FLIGHT AND AERONAUTIC SYSTEMS. It is hard to think of a better marketing effect for a PLM developer than that the company's design software is used by successful development teams in sports that have an aura of both tough combat moments and of cutting edge technology; such as Formula 1 in motorsport or the America’s Cup round-the-world sailing competition.
The PLM developer Siemens Digital Industries Software has implemented this with great success. The company's software within the PLM portfolio Xcelerator, including NX CAD, the cPDm (collaborative Product Definition management) solution Teamcenter and the simulation platform Simcenter's apps have helped sharpen the product development work in the world-leading F1 team Red Bull, with world champion Max Verstappen as the leading driver profile. (It should be mentioned that Ansys was used in Red Bull's aerodynamics development). But it doesn't stop there, today Siemens announces that the French America's Cup challenger, the Orient Express Racing Team, is also using Siemens Xcelerator software.
In this latter case, among other things, to create a digital twin which in the next step will also be used to simulate hydraulic flight and aeronautic systems that control sails and rudder/foil flaps actuation. This is done to study and optimize the yacht's behavior in the water through virtual and immersive technologies. With Siemens software and the comprehensive digital twin, it becomes possible to optimize design, engineering and manufacturing processes to transform ideas into sustainable products of the future: From chips to entire systems, from product to process, Orient Express' America's Cup team uses Siemens Xcelerator’s software apps.
Working closely with Siemens Simcenter Engineering Services, the Orient Express Racing Team is gaining an understanding of the real world performance of the systems on board. Digital twins of these systems have been built, parameterized and functionally validated, along with dedicated libraries, helping to ensure that the layout and interface are comprehensive and easy to use in an interdisciplinary team effort spanning the Performance, Mechatronic and Hydraulic groups.
"Dealing with all the new airframe, or flight, technologies has become a real game-changing challenge," says Stephan Kandler, CEO of K-Challenge and the Orient Express Racing Team.
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AEROSPACE & DEFENSE: NX och Teamcenter nyckelkomponenter i nytt innovationsavtal mellan Siemens och BAE...

NYA METODER för DIGITAL TILLVERKNING stöder BAEs Industri 4.0-initiativ, FACTORY of the FUTURE. Det händer alltid intressanta saker på PLM-marknaden under semestertider, stora affärer som har en tendens att trots allt försvinna i ”sommarbruset”. Ett aktuellt sådan mycket intressant nytt avtal är det mellan marknadsledande Siemens Digital Industries Software och försvarsindustri-jätten, BAE Systems. Enligt detta i slutet av juli signerade avtal kommer BAE Systems att distribuera den senaste digitala tekniken från Siemens Xcelerator, i detta fall både från den öppna affärsplattformen och PLM-portföljen, båda med samma namn. Målet är att, ”transformera ingenjörs- och tillverkningsprocesser genom FalconWorks, forsknings- och utvecklingsverksamheten inom BAE Systems Air-sektor.”
Nu är samarbetet på PLM-, automations- och hårdvarusidan mellan Siemens Digital Industries och BAE Systems ingen nyhet. Detta har pågått i decennier, inkluderande en rad olika tekniska initiativ, mjukvaror och kompetensutveckling inom tillverkning. Men ett nytt avtal är nu på plats, ett avtal vars essens är samarbete kring innovation inom ingenjörs- och tillverkningsteknologier, som omfattar digital transformation, samtidigt som det utnyttjar digitala möjligheter under programmets livscykler.
Det femåriga avtalet är utformat för att utforska och utveckla en strategisk plan för framtidens ingenjörskonst och fabrikskapacitet över design- och tillverkningsdiscipliner inom BAE Systems. Detta bygger på och utnyttjar den senaste utbyggnaden av Siemens NX CAD-mjukvara för produktutveckling och Teamcenters cPDm (collaborative Product Definition management)/PLM-lösningar, från Siemens PLM-portfölj Xcelerator. Edge computing-lösningar och teknikvalidering har också framgångsrikt använts i flera katapultutvecklings- och teknikcenter.
Brian Holliday, VD på Siemens Digital Industries i Storbritannien och Irland, säger i en kommentar:
"Detta avtal bygger på ett väletablerat, framgångsrikt samarbete mellan BAE Systems och Siemens, båda två spelare som delar ambitioner att främja tillverknings- och innovationsutveckling. Tekniken förändrar tillverkningen på BAE Systems att utveckla i snabbare takt och i framkanten av Industry 4.0 i Storbritannien."
Iain Minton, Technology Capability Delivery Director på BAE Systems, pekar ockå ut detta som en av de viktigaste aspekterna på avtalet:
"Absolut, samarbeten som detta hjälper oss att utveckla och investera i digital tråd möjliggörande teknologier på ett mycket mer integrerat och sömlöst sätt,” säger han.
Allmänt kan noteras att Siemens Digital Industries är stora inom aerospace & defense-segmentet, bl a tecknade man för några år sedan ett stort avtal med amerikanska jätten Lockheed Martin.
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Sharper CAx Workstation Management from TECHNIA With the New Version of myPLM 2.0

Managing Dassault’s, Siemens’, and PTC’s CAx licenses and add-ons. PLM consultant and Dassault Systeme's leading global partner TECHNIA recently launched myPLM 2.0. This platform is a good example of the Swedish PLM player's solutions to facilitate the design work and the arrangements around this. In general, TECHNIA is well known for its competence around Dassault Systemes-branded (DS) environments, where implementation and efficient operation of complex CAD environments has always been one of the company's most prominent strengths. The knowledge in and around this is one of the secrets behind the company's development from a Nordic to a global major player in PLM on Dassault's platforms, with solutions such as DS' CAD classics CATIA and SolidWorks, as well as 3DEXPERIENCE. However, in the case of myPLM solution it is not limited to only DS' environments, but also generally applies to the use of complex CAx environments related to other software, such as those for Siemens NX, PTC's flagship Creo, etc., where myPLM enables management of different customer-specific CAx versions, licenses and add-on products.
A heavy point is that many users or user groups require specific and varied CAD environments – with different versions, service packs, hotfixes and add-on products. With the launch of myPLM, according to TECHNIA, the right environment in this is just a few simple clicks away:
"By selecting a customer or a project from the structured menu, relevant applications can be started automatically, which ensures that users work in the right and process-compatible environment," the company writes on its website.
A dynamic environment, then, which of course continues to be developed. When TECHNIA now releases myPLM 2.0, a lot has also happened, including a new fresh user interface (UI) and sharpened user experiences (UX). Jan Heger, Product Manager for myPLM, states in a comment:
“Absolutely, myPLM 2.0 has taken a big step forward. Among other things, the new user interface and the improved functions have been very well received by users. Particularly beneficial are the license traffic light and the notification system," says Heger, also pointing to the structured tree, which provides a pedagogically friendly and clear layout for easy selection of applications.
Other highlights concerns the connections to PDM systems such as Dassault's 3DEXPERIENCE and ENOVIA V6, Siemens Teamcenter and PTC's Windchill. But also the solution's flexible combination of CAD software, add-ons and necessary license configurations in complex environments.
"In short, myPLM accelerates the use of complex CAx environments such as CATIA V5, 3DEXPERIENCE, NX and Creo, and enables the management of different customer-specific CAx versions, licenses and additional products," sums up Heger. Click on the headline to read more about the improvements on PLM&ERP News.

Currently on PLM&ERP News: CATIA’s CEO, Olivier Sappin, confirms VOLVO CARS decision to continue...

...and TECHNIA's CEO, Magnus Falkman, at the recent Innovation Forum pointed out six trends that can lift the world-leading PLM consultant to new heights.
It was an enthusiastic Magnus Falkman, CEO and head of the global PLM consultant TECHNIA, who entered the stage in the Stockholm Space Arena, Sweden, when the company held its big user event, Innovation Forum 2024, last week. In front of 300 participants on site and a further 200 digitally, he stated that there were extremely good reasons to be satisfied with the development in the company, which above all has become known as PLM developer Dassault Systeme's largest global VAR partner. During a 20-year partnership, the company–owned by Addnode Group–has grown exponentially, from 50 employees with a Northern European focus, to a global player with 800 employees and operations in 15 countries worldwide.
“A development that is primarily based on the market's strongest PLM platform, DS’ 3DEXPERIENCE,” said Falkman and stated that the partnership was and is of fundamental importance to the company's success.
Falkman also identified six trends that show how the 3DEXPERIENCE platform (3DX) matches the needs that characterize the technological market development:
“It is about sustainability, AI, digitization, virtual twins, the cloud¬–both as a hybrid or a complete technical platform–and last, but not least, how the technological development contributes to creating new dynamic business models a la "Product-as-a- Service". In short, the players on the market want to reach a situation where smart products can be produced faster, which is also TECHNIA's mission. That's where we are today too, and what makes us so unique is the combination between a strong and competent PLM team, the DS platform and our own products,” added Falkman.
But the 3DX technology means a lot not only for TECHNIA, but also for Dassault and the large parts of heavy industry segments, such as automotive and aerospace & defense, that use the platform. Something that was manifested with the presence of heavy representatives from Dassault including both Olivier Ribet, the company's EVP for strategy, growth and digital transformation, and Olivier Sappin, CEO of DS' CAD flagship CATIA.
Sappin discussed on stage the importance of this application and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Above all, he touched on AI, artificial intelligence, and how this contributes to expanding CAD's importance in the product development process.
”AI in the CATIA context is, among other things, about the system being able to provide answers on how to design to reach defined requirements,” he summed up what Dassault's generative virtual twin concept can help with. "This is what DS's virtual twin experience is all about; we effectively combine 3D, system modeling, data science and collaboration on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform,” said Sappin, who also believed that this have had a major impact on the company's recent commercial success.
Sappin exemplified with orders received recently in the automotive industry from large customers and users such as JLR, Scania, Tesla, Honda, Porsche, Rimac and Volvo Cars. But let’s be clear that this generally is not about new orders in the sense of completely new packages and functionalities, but rather about extensions of existing agreements. For example, Sappin mentioned that Volvo Cars was among the new contract renewals secured.
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